Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dear Preferred Customers:

I want to share with you a little about my trip in October to the Century Wellness Clinic in Reno, Nevada! centurywellness.com

A very special customer friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer.  She asked me to accompany her to the clinic and be her support person for a week of her treatments.
I was thrilled to say yes! and it was a wonderful experience!

Meeting Dr. Forsythe and his staff of doctors, nurses and support people was so enlightening and I learned so much!  But my favorite part?  Oh, the patients of course!  The week I was there, I met patients from all over the USA, plus Canada and I so loved hearing their stories!  Many of them had suffered so much before being diagnosed with their cancer, only to be told by their doctors at home that there was no real help nor hope for them!  Their research brought them in touch with Dr. Forsythe and his extremely creative approach to cancer treatment and it was so heart warming to hear their progress and successes!  To see them responding to the treatment protocol's and feeling good all while battling cancer was so encouraging!


Perhaps you have seen the wonderful book on cancer, Knockout, by Suzanne Somers? suzannesomers.com In chapter 9, she interviews Dr. Forsythe and they discuss his innovative approach to treating cancer! He uses fractionated low-dose chemotherapy with Insulin Potentiated Therapy (IPT) along with non-toxic natural and homeopathic remedies.  In addition, he includes vitamins, minerals, herbal and immune stimulating treatments, all which are personalized for the patient.

For more than a quarter century, thousands of patients from all parts of the globe have experienced health-enhancing therapies at their center.

I so enjoyed meeting Dr. Forsythe and getting to spend a few minutes with him while he autographed my books!  He is a very humble and gracious man with a very compassionate heart and solid commitment to his patients regaining their health!

Please check out their website and direct your family and friends with cancer to research this option further - call the Clinic and ask questions!  I was so thrilled that my friend was willing to go to the Clinic FIRST before entering into any of the traditional methods of treatment so her prognosis is excellent! 

One of the diet changes that the patients are asked to make immediately is to STOP ALL SUGAR!  Sugar feeds cancer!  The only allowed sweetners while on the cancer treatment protocols is Xylitol xylitolusa.com and stevia sweetleaf.com.  So I have been working up some recipes, especially with these patients in mind, but also because all of us would do well to eat less sugar! 

During the holidays...sugar is a main ingredient in practically every traditional family recipe!  We will be adding recipes that are traditional, familiar and delicious, yet using only xylitol and stevia to sweeten them!  We stock all of the ingredients used in our recipes - so stop in our store soon to stock up!  Be sure to check out our recipe rack and pick up copies of the recipes to make for your loved ones!

Please let me know if you try them! Please share with me any recipes that you have tried using only these two sweetners!  I look forward to seeing your comments!

One more thing that I would like to add about the Century Wellness Clinic, is that more than ten years ago, I had another customer who went to Reno and regained her health and life back after being told by our local oncologist "that there was nothing more they could do for her and she needed to go home and get her affairs in order"!  I am so excited to see that she is one of the testimonials on their website and its always a thrill to see her when she comes in our store! 

I am putting a photo album together of the Century Wellness Clinic that I will have available in our library area and I am always happy to answer questions...and help you in any way that I can!

See you soon!


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