Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Empowering Parents - Part 1

My heart goes out to our customers who are parenting a child with learning issues or anything on the Autism spectrum.  It's overwhelming to live with the child's acting out as well as the emotional and physical demands of trying to meet their needs.  It is a struggle when it feels like nothing is really working and the child continues to degrade. 

I have recently been working with a local practitioner in our town who is willing to offer testing that can help the foundation issues that your child may be struggling with!  I want to share this information with you in a series of blog posts - offering you HELP & HOPE!

Are you poisoning your child?
No, intentionally of course not! But, perhaps accidently?  You might be, if your child has food sensitivities or intolerances that you are not aware of.  Every time that you feed them, even a small portion of that food, it is like poison to their system!  The result will manifest in its own unique way in their body, usually with very undesirable symptoms.

On a recent previous post, we added a quiz that you can take on behalf of your child to see what kinds of symptoms that they are manifesting.  Symptoms that can all be related to eating foods that they are insensitive or intolerant to!

So what is a parent to do?  Perhaps you even have paid for allergy testing - you know, the back scratch kind?  Perhaps even, those results did not diagnose any foods, just outdoor pollens and trees?  Yet, somewhere in your heart...you just have had that parent "intuition" that you suspect that your child is reacting to a food or even a list of foods that they are eating?

Well now there is hope and help - right here in Gillette!  A local practitioner, right here in our city is now offering Food intolerance testing - with a simple blood test!

So why would you benefit from doing another test?  Most food allergy testing is done for IMMEDIATE onset food reactions  (an IgE response).  This is when the reaction takes place any time from contact up to two hours after eating it.

So picture this:  your family is eating at a popular fish place and someone eats shrimp for the first time.  Soon you notice that they have a rash developing and then they may complain about their throat constricting and you realize that they are in medical distress.  An extreme reaction would be anaphylaxis, where there is even a swelling of their tongue and throat, maybe even a drop in blood pressure and an irregular heartbeat.  Truthfully, these reactions are pretty easy to identify.  By the time you have had this same reaction to shrimp, say three or four times, and you feel sick immediately after ingesting it, it's pretty easy to conclude that you should not be eating shrimp! Some experts feel that only about 5% of food reactions are this type of response, the Immediate Onset Food reactions.

So what is more common?  Why are some people literally unknowingly poisoning their own children?  Let me introduce you to DELAYED Food reactions (IgG response)!  These are the foods that we don't start reacting to until 2 hours have passed all the way up to 4 days later!  Yes, 4 days after eating the food!  For example, you could eat shrimp on Sunday for dinner and not have any reaction until the Wednesday or Thursday following!  That is why it is so difficult to figure these out on your own, even if you faithfully keep a food journal, attempting to document every bite that your child eats and how they react and feel.  It's a real challenge to figure it out on your own!

So....that being said, let me introduce you to Alletest Blood Testing for Food Intolerances!

All it takes is a 15 minute appointment and 1 vial of blood!  They send your sample to Alletess Medical Laboratory in Norwell, MA, and 3 weeks later, your Comprehensive Food Panel IgG results are back!  The testing covers 185 of the most common foods eaten, and in addition, you will receive a packet of information, including a 4 day rotation diet to follow - comprised of all of the foods that were tested that are safe for you to eat!  It's a wonderful service, and some customers can notice improved health in their children within  3 days to 2 weeks!  All for just $350! Now those are results! And that is HELP & HOPE!

How and why should this interest you?  Well...this is back to school time and we are focusing on children with learning issues, sensory issues and those on the autism spectrum.  We understand , and sympathize with you and your child, that school may be a difficult experience for you both! 

Many of the DAN doctors (now MAPS doctors) are finding that food intolerances are just ONE of the issues at the CORE of these children.  They feel that most all of them do in fact have food intolerances and testing is a great place to start on the road to improved health!

Many parents have tried to follow the GFCF (gluten free, casein free) diet that has commonly
been recommended by the DAN doctors - and it is a good starting place. But blood food intolerance testing can help you with specific answers that are correct for your child!  Not everyone is reacting to gluten nor is everyone reacting to casein, though it is common, not everyone is! So blood intolerance testing is a great place to start!

Discover the hidden link between what your child eats and how they feel, act and react!

Let me know how I can help you and your child!  Please stop in my store to discuss this issue and if you are interested, see what the testing results look like! We also have a DVD set that is available for checkout from our Customer Library that you may be interested in! Let us help!

There are other core issues for these children that we will address in upcoming posts - so sign up to follow our blog so you will be notified as soon as our posts are up! Oh and like us on Facebook!

I would love some feedback by those who read our blog - Question:  what food have you removed from your child's diet and how did they respond?  Please post your comments below - I love hearing from you!

Give your child the Nutritional Advantage this School Year! 
See you soon!


Disclaimer: We are not healthcare professionals. Any advice we give is for educational and informational purposes only, and should not be considered medical advice. Consult with your medical doctor before making any changes to your or your family’s lifestyle. This flyer is for information only, and not a replacement for professional diagnosis, medication or therapy.

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